What is scientific research?



What is scientific research? Its purpose, types, methods, and characteristics?

Scientific research is fact-based knowledge that is proven by a standardized method. To know scientific research, we must know about science.

What is science?

Men need to know the world to find solutions to their problems, so they are in search of knowledge that proves helpful for them, and they deal with problems.

 Science means knowledge that we gathered from our surroundings to know the world.

  • Science is basically divided into two branches: -                                                                                           Social science                                                                                                                                                Natural science

Difference between social and natural science?                                                                                                                                           Social science is about the social behavior of humans and natural science is knowledge of various things. The point is what is a need to know the difference between them there is the fact which is research. The natural science (that is knowledge base information), knowledge without proof is not considered not worthwhile, so for this purpose, we need research. Natural science is a vast field that comprises physics, chemistry, biology, and math’s, where various theories, laws need to be accurately appropriate.

Scientific Research:

Natural science Knowledge is important but that is not enough, there is a need for another thing which is whether this knowledge is worthy, fact base, and true or false. This prediction leads scientists to research knowledge, that builds, organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations. The testing of this knowledge leads to research, then the question comes up what is scientific research? Knowledge passes through different observations, experiments then at the end concludes a statement or fact-based knowledge, which is called the scientific research of this knowledge.

Science research is the systematic knowledge derived from observations and experiments.”

Purpose of scientific Research: -

Men are inquisitive about all things when he sees the things, questions come to their minds, that is general knowledge about objects. The question is whether this information is true or false. For this purpose, a scientific method is derived, the purpose of scientific research is to prove or disprove this knowledge. Research may extend, prove, or even reject the knowledge, which depends upon the results of how powerful are the results.

The types of scientific research: -

There are basically two types

Basic research

Applied research

Basic research: -

Basic research is basic knowledge based on facts, principles, and theories which are providing information about this “knowledge” (that we need to research) and this basic information must also be proved by professors or even specialized persons in that field. The basic research must provide information about knowledge. simply, we can say that

         “Basic research forms the basis of Applied sciences.”

Applied research: -

Applied means to apply something. so, in Applied Research, we practically perform the research by experimenting and conclude the final statement. Applied research may also expand, correct, or even reject your basic research.so, we can say that applied research

Applied Research concludes the final result which may call law or even if more supporting, we can call this theory.

Method of scientific research: -

The method explains how to perform scientific research. method explains which steps are necessary for performing research. Mainly these steps are

1.       Recognition of problem

2.       Observation

3.       Hypothesis

4.       Deduction

5.       Experimentation

6.       Summarization of results (creat table, graphics)

7.       Reporting the result

The details of these steps are as under:

            Recognition of problem: -

In this step, we identify the problem, which type of problem is which can be biological or even men also need to know why this thing happens, its causes effects, etc. The problem may be in the form of a question or even general information about something, which may ask by someone or even comes to the researcher's mind by itself by seeing the things, so, he/she wants to know the solution of the problem. so, we can say that recognition means

               “To identify a problem which type of problem is”


 Observation: -

       In observation, we recall the previous observation and make the new one by using the five senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Observation may be both qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative observation:                                                                                                 

In qualitative we observe the properties.                                                                                                                                                                   

For example:                                                                                                          

A liter of water is heavier than a liter.                                                                                                        


Quantitative observation:

In quantitative we observe the problem in terms of numbers

For example:

A liter of water weighs 1000 grams and the liter of ethanol weighs

789 grams.

Observation also includes reading and studying what others have done in the past because scientific knowledge is ever-growing.

Hypotheses: -

The researcher observes the observations and constructs a statement which is called a hypothesis. It may be defined as a proposition that might be true.so, we can say that

          “The tentative explanation of observation is called a hypothesis.”

A hypothesis should have the following properties:

  It should be a general statement                                                                                               

 It should be a tentative idea                                                                                                         

 It should agree with available observation                                                                    

It should be kept as simple as possible                                                                                        

It should be testable and potentially falsifiable.

          A great deal of careful and creative thinking is necessary for the formulation of a hypothesis.

Deduction: -

Deduction draws from the hypothesis. Deductions are the logical consequences of the hypothesis. For this purpose, a hypothesis is taken as true and expected results(deduction)are drawn from it. Generally, if a particular hypothesis is true the one should expect a deduction of a certain result. This involves the use of “if-then “logic. so, we can say that                                                                                                                                         “ Deduction is the logical consequences of the hypothesis”

Experimentation: -

The most basic step of research is experimentation. Researchers perform experiments to see if hypotheses are true or not. The deduction, which is drawn from hypotheses, is subjected to rigorous testing. Through experimentations, biologist learns which hypothesis is correct. The incorrect hypotheses are rejected and the one which proves correct is accepted. An accepted hypothesis makes further predictions that provide an important way to further test its validity.

Summarization of results: -

Researchers gather actual, quantitative data from experiments. Data for each of the groups are then averaged and compared statistically. To conclude, the researcher also uses statistical analysis.

Reporting the results: -

Researchers publish their findings in scientific journals and books, in talks at national and international meetings, and seminars at colleges and universities. Publishing results is an essential part of the scientific method. It allows other people to verify the results or apply the knowledge to solve other problems.


