Hydrostatic pressure, Hydrostatic pressure definition, examples, mathematical expression, atmospheric pressure and buoyancy


                               Hydrostatic pressure

Everything in the universe exerts some pressure on each other which could be large or negligible it depends on the force, acceleration, and gravity.

Such Atmospheric pressure decreases as the altitude increases because the air particles or mess ( that exerts force and pressure increase) decreases as we go upward. So, that is the reason atmosphere pressure decreases as we go up.                                                                                                                                                                  


Air surrounds us exerts pressure on but we don’t feel it because the fluids inside us are also exerted equal pressure toward that to keep the balance.

Before understanding hydrostatics, we must need to know about basic terms which may help out to better understanding hydrostatics.


What is hydrostatic?

Hydrostatic: hydrostatic is the branch of fluid statics that deal with all fluid, both compressible and incompressible fluid at rest.

Pressure:  when the body is immersed in a fluid, the pressure is exerted by a fluid or in a fluid on the body.

Hydrostatics has vast application in almost every field such as geophysics ( for measuring atmospheric pressure) in biology ( for measuring blood pressure) in engineering ( for equipment to store and transport the fluids) in many other fields.

Pressure in fluids at rest:

The pressure on a fluid at rest is called isotropic. If the fluid is at rest then,

·         The pressure on each side of fluid must be equal

·         The pressure is normal to any contacting surface.

A fluid cannot remain at rest under the presence of shear stress due to the fundamental nature of the fluid.

Pressure in fluid not at rest:

if the fluid is not at rest then

·         The fluid will move in the direction of the resulting force

·         Fluid transfer force from one to another.


How the hydrostatic pressure is produced?

If you immerse a body into fluid, the body experiences pressure. The depth of a body's place in that fluid can be measured. When the body goes down, the more pressure it experiences due to the weight of the fluid above it. Due to the weight of the fluid the more the fluid above the body the more it experiences pressure on the submerged body. Due to the force of gravity, the hydrostatic pressure is exerted by the fluid which is at equilibrium within the fluid. Hydrostatic pressure is increased as the depth measured from the surface increases due to the increasing weight of the fluid above the body.


What is hydrostatic pressure?

If a fluid is at rest, all inertial and frictional stresses vanish, that state of the system is called hydrostatic. When this condition is satisfied the gradient of pressure becomes a function of force only

 In a conservation force field a gravitational force field, the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium becomes a function of force exerted by gravity.

Hydrostatic Pressure definition:

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure that is exerted by the fluid at equilibrium at a given point within the fluid due to force of gravity.”


Hydrostatic pressure increases in proportion to the depth measured from the surface because of the weight of fluid which is increasing downward.

Give examples of hydrostatic pressure?

A few examples of hydrostatic pressure are

·         If you swim down into the ocean, you will feel an increase in pressure due to an increase in hydrostatic pressure which is the force per unit exerted by a liquid on an object. Every 33 feet (10.06) you go down the pressure increase by 14.5 psi. The deeper you go underwater, the increase in hydrostatic pressure you will feel.

·         Consider a layer of water in any container. The sides of the container exerted pressure on the layers of water. There is more pressure on the lower layer of water because the pressure exerted by the top layer on the lower adds up.

What is the mathematical equation of hydrostatic pressure?

Consider a control volume of an infinitesimally small cube of fluid. The only force acting on a cube of fluid is the weight of the fluid above it. The hydrostatic pressure can be calculated as

 P(z) -P(z0)= 1/A


·         P= is the hydrostatic pressure (pa)

·         A=is the test area (m^2)

·         Z=is the height ( parallel to the direction of gravity) of the test area (m)

·         Z0=is the height of the zero reference point of the pressure

·         g= is the gravitational accerlation( m/s^2)

·         P=is the fluid density (kg/m^3)


For incompressible fluids (water and other liquids):

Assuming a constant density of liquids throughout the liquid and the incompressible nature of the liquid, the integral can be simplified significantly for many applications.

Since the height h of the fluid between z and z0 is reasonably small as compared to the radius of the earth, one can neglect the variation of g. In this way, the integral is simplified into the formula

P -p0 = pgh


 h  =  is the height z-z0  between the test volume and zero reference point of the pressure.

This reference point should lie at or below the surface of the liquid, otherwise one has to spill the integral into two terms with the constant P liquid and p (z’) above. The absolute pressure compared to vacuum is

P = Pgh   + p atm

P atm = is the atmospheric pressure

H = is the total height of the liquid above the test area to the surface

Application of hydrostatic pressure:

There are many applications of hydrostatic pressure and all of them have separate equations

Hydrostatic force on submerged surfaces :

The hydrostatic force acting on a submerged surface has a vertical and horizontal component

     Fh  = pc A

      Fv = pgv


Pc = is the pressure at the centroid of the vertical projection of the submerged surface

A = is the area of the same vertical projection of the surface

P = is the density of the fluid

G = is the acceleration due to gravity

V =  is the volume of fluid directly above the curved surface

Atmospheric pressure:

For a pure ideal gas of constant temperature in a gravitational field is T, its pressure P, will vary with height, h, as;

P (h) = P (0) e -Mgh/kT

This is known as the barometric formula, assuming the pressure is hydrostatic.


g = is the acceleration due to gravity

T = is the absolute temperature

M = is the mass of a single molecule of gas

K = is the Boltzmann constant

 h = is the height

p = is the pressure

For multiple gases:

If there are multiple types of gases, then the partial pressure of each gas will be given by the equation. The distribution of each species of gas is independent of the other species.


Buoyancy :

If a body of arbitrary shape is immersed, partly or fully in a fluid it will experience the action of a net force in the opposite direction of the pressure gradient. If this pressure gradient arises from gravity, the net force is in the vertical direction that of the gravitational force.

This vertical force is termed buoyancy force or is equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction to the weight of the displaced fluid.


F =pgv


P  = is the density of the fluid

G  =  is the acceleration due to gravity

V= is the volume of fluid directly above the curved surface

For example:

For a ship, its weight is balanced by pressure forces from the surrounding water which allows it to float. If more cargo is loaded onto a ship, it would sink more into the water for displacing more water and receive a higher buoyant force to balance the increased weight.


In medicine, hydrostatic pressure is used to measure blood pressure. The pressure in blood vessels is due to the pressure of the fluid against the wall.




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