what is shaft, manufacturing of the shaft, the purpose of the shaft, the requirements, and the types of shaft coupling?

                          shaft coupling

What is the shaft?

Shafts are usually available up to 7 meters in length due to inconvenience in transport. To have a greater length, it becomes necessary to join two or more pieces of the shaft using a coupling.

Manufacturing of the Shaft :

Shafts are generally manufactured by hot rolling and finished to size by cold drawing or turning and grinding. The cold-rolled shafts are stronger than hot-rolled shafts but with higher residual stresses. The residual stresses may cause distortion of the shaft when it is machined, especially when slots or keyways are cut. Shafts of larger diameter are usually forged and turned to size in a lathe.

What is the purpose of the shaft?

Shaft couplings are used in machinery for several purposes, the most common of which are the following :

 1. To provide for the connection of shafts of units that are manufactured separately such as a motor and generator and to provide for disconnection for repairs or alternations.

2. To provide for the misalignment of the shafts or to introduce mechanical flexibility.

 3. To reduce the transmission of shock loads from one shaft to another.

 4. To introduce protection against overloads.

What is the requirements of a good shaft coupling?

Requirements of a Good Shaft Coupling:

A good shaft coupling should have the following requirements :

 1. It should be easy to connect or disconnect.

 2. It should transmit the full power from one shaft to the other shaft without losses.

3. It should hold the shafts in perfect alignment.

 4. It should reduce the transmission of shock loads from one shaft to another shaft.

 5. It should have no projecting parts

Describe the types of shafts?

Types of Shafts Couplings

 Shaft couplings are divided into two main groups as follows :

1.       Rigid coupling:

It is used to connect two shafts that are perfectly aligned.

Types of Rigid coupling:

 The following types of rigid coupling are important from the subject point of view :

 (a) Sleeve or muff coupling.

(b) Clamp or split-muff or compression coupling

 (c) Flange coupling.

 What is Sleeve or muff coupling:

It is the simplest type of rigid coupling, made of cast iron. It consists of a hollow cylinder whose inner diameter is the same as that of the shaft. It is fitted over the ends of the two shafts using a gib head key. The power is transmitted from one shaft to the other shaft using a key and a sleeve. It is, therefore, necessary that all the elements must be strong enough to transmit the torque.

The usual proportions of a cast iron sleeve coupling are as follows:

Outer diameter of the sleeve, D = 2d + 13 mm

 length of the sleeve, L = 3.5 d

d = is the diameter of the shaft.

Designing of sleeve or muff coupling:

In designing a sleeve or muff-coupling, the following procedure may be adopted.

1.       Design for sleeve the sleeve is designed by considering it as a hollow shaft.

Let T = Torque be transmitted by the coupling

and Ï„c = Permissible shear stress for the material of the sleeve which is cast iron.

The safe value of shear stress for cast iron may be taken as 14 MPa.

 The torque transmitted by a hollow section,

T =


 What is Clamp or spilled muff or compression coupling:

It is also known as split muff coupling. In this case, the muff or sleeve is made into two halves and is bolted together. The halves of the muff are made of cast iron. The shaft ends are made to about each other and a single key is fitted directly in the keyways of both the shafts. One-half of the muff is fixed from below and the other half is placed from above. Both the halves are held together by means of mild steel studs or bolts and nuts. The number of bolts may be two, four, or six. The nuts are recessed into the bodies of the muff castings. This coupling may be used for heavy-duty and moderate speeds. The advantage of this coupling is that the position of the shafts need not be changed for assembling or disassembling the coupling

 What is Flange coupling?

Flange Coupling is a driving coupling between rotating shafts that consists of flanges one of which is fixed at the end of each shaft, the two Flanges being bolted together with a ring of bolts to complete the drive. A flange coupling is meant to bring two tube ends together in a flush, sealed manner.

Describe the types of flange couplings?

Types of flange coupling:

The flange couplings are of the following three types :

 1. Unprotected type flange coupling

 2. Protected type flange coupling.

3. Marine type flange coupling

        unprotected type flange coupling:

 A type of coupling, in which each shaft is keyed to the boss of a flange with a countersunk key and the flanges are coupled together by means of bolts is called unprotected type flange coupling. Mainly, three, four, or six bolts are used.

      Protected type flange coupling:

A type of coupling in which the protruding bolts and nuts are protected by flanges on the two halves of the coupling, in order to avoid danger to the workman is called protected type flange coupling.

Marine type flange coupling:

A type of flange coupling, in which the flanges are forged integral with the shafts is called Marine type flange coupling. The flanges are held together by means of tapered headless bolts, numbering from four to twelve depending upon the diameter of the shaft.


2. Flexible coupling.

 It is used to connect two shafts having both lateral and angular misalignment.

 The following types of flexible coupling are important from the subject point of view:

(a) Bushed pin-type coupling,

(b) Universal coupling

 (c) Oldham coupling.

      What is  Bushed pin-type coupling:

      A bushed-pin flexible coupling is a modification of the rigid type of flange coupling. The coupling bolts are known as pins. The rubber or leather bushes are used over the pins. The two halves of the coupling are dissimilar in construction. A clearance of 5 mm is left between the face of the two halves of the coupling. There is no rigid connection between them and the drive takes place through the medium of the compressible rubber or leather bushes. In designing the bushed-pin flexible coupling, the proportions of the rigid type flange coupling are modified.

The main modification is to reduce the bearing pressure on the rubber or leather bushes and it should not exceed 0.5 N/mm2. In order to keep the low bearing pressure, the pitch circle diameter and the pin size is increased.

 Let l = Length of bush in the flange,

 d2 = Diameter of bush,

pb = Bearing pressure on the bush or pin,

 n = Number of pins

 D1 = Diameter of the pitch circle of the pins.

We know that bearing load acting on each pin, W = pb × d2 × l

Total bearing load on the bush or pins = W × n = pb × d2 × l × n

and the torque transmitted by the coupling,

The threaded portion of the pin in the right-hand flange should be a tapping fit in the coupling hole to avoid bending stresses.

 The threaded length of the pin should be as small as possible so that the direct shear stress can be taken by the unthreaded neck.

Direct shear stress due to pure torsion in the coupling halves


Since the pin and the rubber or leather bush are not rigidly held in the left-hand flange, therefore the tangential load (W) at the enlarged portion will exert a bending action on the pin. The bush portion of the pin acts as a cantilever beam of length l. Assuming a uniform distribution of the load W along with the bush, the maximum bending moment on the pin,


We know that bending stress,


Since the pin is subjected to bending and shear stresses, therefore the design must be checked either for the maximum principal stress or maximum shear stress by the following relations :

Maximum principal stress =

 and the maximum shear stress on the pin =

The value of maximum principal stress varies from 28 to 42 MPa.

 What is Universal (or Hooke’s) Coupling:

A universal or Hooke’s coupling is used to connect two shafts whose axes intersect at a small angle. The inclination of the two shafts may be constant, but in actual practice, it varies when the motion is transmitted from one shaft to another. The main application of the universal or Hooke’s coupling is found in the transmission from the gearbox to the differential or back axle of the automobiles. In such a case, we use two Hooke’s coupling, one at each end of the propeller shaft, connecting the gearbox at one end and the differential on the other end. A Hooke’s coupling is also used for transmission of power to different spindles of multiple drilling machines. It is used as a knee joint in milling machines. In designing a universal coupling, the shaft diameter and the pin diameter are obtained as discussed below. The other dimensions of the coupling are fixed by proportions.

 Let d = Diameter of the shaft,

 Dp = Diameter of a pin, and Ï„ and Ï„1 = Allowable shear stress for the material of the shaft and pin respectively.

We know that torque transmitted by the shafts,


From this relation, the diameter of shafts may be determined. Since the pin is in double shear, therefore the torque transmitted

When a single Hooke's coupling is used, the ratio of the driving and driven shaft speeds is given by



N = Speed of the driving shaft in r.p.m.

 N1 = Speed of the driven shaft in r.p.m

 Î± = Angle of inclination of the shafts, and

 Î¸ = Angle of the driving shaft from the position where the pins of the driving shaft fork are in the plane of the two shafts.

 We know the maximum speed of the driven shaft,


And the minimum speed of the driven shaft,


From above we see that for a single Hooke’s coupling, the speed of the driven shaft is not constant but varies from maximum to minimum. In order to have a constant velocity ratio of the driving and driven shafts, an intermediate shaft with a Hooke’s coupling at each end (known as double Hooke’s coupling) is used.


    What is Oldham Coupling?

 It is used to join two shafts that have a lateral misalignment. It consists of two flanges A and B with slots and a central floating part E with two tongues T1 and T2 at right angles. The central floating part is held by means of a pin passing through the flanges and the floating part. The tongue T1 fits into the slot of flange A and allows for the ‘to and fro’ relative motion of the shafts, while the tongue T2 fits into the slot of the flange B and allows for vertical relative motion of the parts. The resultant of these two components of motion will accommodate lateral misalignment of the shaft as they rotate

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