What is the difference between a fire tube and a water tube boiler?


What is the difference between a fire tube and a water tube boiler?

Based on the position of water  and hot gas:

In fire tube boiler:
Flue gases pass through the tubes and water outside the tube.

In water tube boiler:

Water passes through the tubes and hot gases outside the tubes.

Based on high pressure and high-temperature steam:
water tube boiler:

 A Water-tube boiler is generally preferred for high pressure and high-temperature steam because it can operate in high pressure.

 Fire-tube boiler:

fire tube boiler is not used for producing high-temperature and high-pressure steam because of the low-pressure operating system.

Based on operating pressure:

In fire tube boiler:

Limited to 25 bar

In water tube boiler:

Can work under as high pressure as more than 125 bar

Based on scale deposition and overheating:

In fire tube boiler:

There is no water tube, no problem of scale deposition, and less problem of overheating and bursting.

In water tube boiler:

Small deposition of scale will cause overheating and bursting of the tubes.

Based on compactness:

Fire-tube boiler:


Water-tube boiler:

Less -compacted


In fire tube boiler:

Fuel tube boiler is easy to access that’s why tube replacement of tubes easier on the fire-tube boiler.

In water tube boiler:

Water-tube boiler is not easy to access, that’s why replacement of tubes is not easier on the water-tube boiler.

Fuel capability:

Water-tube boiler:

Water-tube boilers are capable of burning any economically available fuel with excellent efficiency.

Fire-tube boiler:

Fire-tube boilers are capable of using liquid or gaseous fuel to avoid fouling the heating surfaces.


Rate of steam generation:

In fire tube boiler:


In water tube boiler:


 Based on Suitability:

In fire tube boiler:

Not suitable for large power plant

In fire tube boiler:

Suitable for long power plant

Chance of explosion:

In fire tube boiler:

Less due to low pressure

In water tube boiler:

More due to high pressure

Based on operating pressure:

In fire tube boiler:

Limited to 25 bar

In water tube boiler:

Can work under as high pressure as more than 125 bar

Floor space requirement:

In fire tube boiler:


In water boiler:



In fire tube boiler:

Low intial cost

In water boiler:

Initial cost is generally high

Requirement of skill:

In fire tube boiler:

Required less skill for efficient and economic working.

In water tube boiler:

Required more skill and careful attention for efficient and economic working.

Based on uses:

In fire tube boiler:

For producing process steam

In water tube boiler:

Producing steam for power generation as well as process heating.


Water-tube boiler:

The use of small diameter tubes in water tube boiler helps in rapid heat transmission, rapid response to steam demands, and high efficiency.

Fire-tube boiler:

Comparatively less efficient.


Fire-tube boiler:

Cochran, locomotive

Water-tube boiler:

Babcock and Wilcox


Thus, in selecting a boiler, many factors other than the first cost are to be considered. Important are availability, operating and maintenance costs, fuel costs, space, and a host of other factors. The most important perhaps is fuel costs. During the life of the equipment, we can expect fuel costs to be many times the cost of the boiler and associated equipment.


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