Electrical Engineering


                                                               Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is the second main branch of engineering after Mechanical engineering. It is a vast field that comprises energy, its production, transformation, and devices that are used to generate electricity.

Electrical Engineering

What is electrical engineering? What electrical engineers do?

We live in the age of information of technology, where there are every second is changing with the speed of light. In this modern technology advancement, electrical engineers play an important role. Almost every field, every machinery requires the electrical engineer to design, to make equipment, to generate power, and use them that make life easy.

“Electrical engineering is the branch of engineering in which we study to design and equip the devices, generation, and transformation of electricity, application of equipment’s which use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.”

In electrical engineering, we study electronics to design equipment, and deep analyses of the circuit, energy generation through the power plants, the transformation of power, transformers to level up and down the voltage, and use of electricity for the smooth running of the machinery.

What is electrical engineering? What electrical engineers do?

What are careers in electrical engineering? Which field mechanical engineers can adopt?

Everyone in search of engineers having expertise in their own field. The electrical engineering is an inter-display field which is full of the opportunities to design, equip, create and use them and use the information to create new advancement in their field. The jobs are always in demand as

·         Electrical engineer

·         Power engineering

·         Signal processing

·         Electronics

·         Telecommunication

·         Radiofrequency engineering

·         Computer engineering

·         Power electronics

·         Electromagnetics and wave

·          Microwave engineering

·         Nanotechnology

·         Electrochemistry

·         Renewable energies

·         Mechatronics

·          Electrical material science


There are vast fields for engineers depending upon their interests and expertise. Electrical engineers work can work in a wide range of industries, these range from circuit theory to the management skills of a project manager.

What electrical engineers can do? What tasks do electrical engineers do? What are the opportunities for electrical engineers? what are job facilities for electrical engineers?

 Electrical engineering is a combined mixture of knowledge, creativity, and experiment. There are many opportunities whether you have a specialization in one subject or field for example designing, you can adapt this for your lifetime career. There are many such fields that can help you to generate great revenue. The few basic are

·         Circuit analysis

·         Circuit designing

·         Electronics designing of equipment’s

·         Microelectronics and nanoelectronics

·         Power generation

·         Power transformation

·         Control of electrical devices, and electricity

·         Signal processing

·         Telecommunication

·         Computers


Online opportunities:

  If you are an electrical engineer or doing then there are a lot of online learning opportunities for you. That would help you to get earn and you can also do this for the part-time jobs that would support you in financial terms. By availing of these opportunities, you can get

·         Experience (by doing part-time jobs you can get experience in your own field).

·         Confidence (increase your problem-solving a technique that will automatically increase your confidence).

·         Earn a lot (by doing part-time jobs during your graduation helps to meet your financial support)

·         If you adopt these full-time after completing your graduation it would help you to generate great income or you can also set up your business online that will help you to make a successful Mechanical Engineer in your field.

 The world is full of opportunities you just need to strike them. The world in need of engineers who can work or build a word for them. They even search about you who meet their strategies and held a great command of their skills.

In which field electrical engineers can give their services? what are online jobs for electrical engineers?

There are a lot of niches where you give your services the main are:

Blogging/content writer:

If you have good writing skills you can offer the services of a content writer or blogger.

·         If you have great experience in your field then your offer services about writing in your field.

·         You can also make your personal blog or website where you can write about your specific niches in your field or even you can Share your personal experience with a reader that will hopefully amaze you.

·         You can also write on industrial products, machines and a lot of things for Affiliate Marketing which will help you to generate sufficient income.

·         You can also help students or even officers, managers by writing a research paper, summaries particles, etc.

·         If you have great affection for reading or writing you can also write in many niches other than engineering it totally depends upon you on which niche you would like to write.

·        Manager or employee:

·         You can find a find company online. where they are in need of employees who can work for them. If you have great experience in our field, they can even give you a job as a manager of the company. That will also help your gain your experience and generate income.

·         So, these are online opportunities for mechanical engineers. But these are not specific for you that you must do that, no. There are other many fields where can go, but first should learn about them for months, then you can offer your services in any field. The world is for you, you just need to strike it out.

What is the handful of mechanical engineering fields? What mechanical engineering cover?

There are a handful of electrical engineering fields:

There are a few basic subjects that should be learned for the basis of engineering, for reviewing the basic principles of science, which forms the basis for engineering. Mainly these are

·         Electronics

·         Microelectronic and nanoelectronics

·         Signal processing

·         Power

·         Telecommunication

·         Instrumentation

·         Computers software’s

·         Control system

·         Mechatronics


This subject was commonly known as radio engineering and restricted to the aspects of commercial radio, early television, radar, and communication. After years of advancements in the field such as after the invention of computers, microprocessor, modern television it was given the name of electronics.

“Electronics involves the design of electronics equipment’s such as capacitors, inductors, diodes, resistors, and transistors, and testing of electronic circuits that use the properties of electronics equipment’s such as capacitors are used to store the charge and functionality of these in different purposes.”

Electronic engineer is work on electronic devices for the smooth functionality of the system for example integrated circuits which consists of millions of electronic components such as transistors, resistors, etc. which is used for the functionality of computers.


Microelectronics and nanoelectronics:

Microelectronics means the study of electronics devices and their application at the micro level. Microelectronic components are created by fabricating wafers of semiconductors such as silicon, gallium arsenide, and peptide.

 Microelectronics deals with the design and microfabrication of very small electronic circuit components. The microelectronics elements are very useful for integrated circuit as well as on their own as electronic components such as resistors, capacitors at microscopic level.

Nanoelectronics is the further scaling of devices down to nanometer levels, with below 100 nm processing having been standard.

In micro and nanoelectronics engineers design and operate the electronics devices at micro and nano level, because of their vast application in the field of electrical engineering.


 In electrical engineering students learn the power system which includes the devices which are used to generate the electricity and generation of electricity how the electricity is generated through power plants, such as hydra, thermal, solar the power plant, generators, and how to transform power from one place to another, which uses transformers for level up and level down the signal to transform power and distribution of energy through a grid system.

“Power engineering deals with the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity and the designing of the devices which is used for this purpose.”


Power generation

The government maintains the power system through a grid system which is connected with a variety of generators and user of a system which use electricity. Such a system is called an on-grid system which has two purposes to provide the power to the system and take the power from the system and distribute them among the people.

And the system which is not connected to the grid is called the off-grid system which purposes to generate electricity.

 Power engineers work on the on-grid system to maintain the power system and also on the off-grid system.

Signal processing:

Signal contains the information which could be image, video and signal processing means transfer of information in the form of signals.

Signals can be two types

·         Analog

·         Digital

Analog signal processing: A analog signal is a signal which varies continuously according to the information. Analog signal processing involves the amplification, filtering of audio signal modulation, and demodulation of signals for telecommunication.

Digital signal processing:

A digital signal processing is a signal which varies according to a series of discrete value (the values represent the information in the form of 0 and 1). Digital processing involves the compression, error correction, error detection of digitally sampled signals.

Digital signal processing is the advanced field that is used in encoding and decoding media, multimedia players, radar systems, television sets involve reduction, etc.


Telecommunication deals with the transfer of information in the form of signals enclosed in optical fiber, coax fiber, and even in free space.

Telecommunication systems involve the modulation of signal, transmitter, transceiver, and receiver. Modulation: Modulation is the process of varying properties of a periodic waveform, called the carrier signal with a separate signal called modulation signal which contains the information for transformation. Modulation techniques include amplitude and frequency modulation.

Amplitude modulation: in which amplitude ( strength) of the carrier wave is varied by modulation signal.

Frequency modulation: in which the frequency of carrier wave is varied by modulation signal.

Transmitter: The transmitter is used to transfer the signals

Transceiver: Transmitter and receiver combined to form a two-way communication device which is called a transceiver.

Receiver: The receiver is used to receive the signal.


There is a great need for the measurement of physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, altitude, etc. In instrumentation, engineers learn how to design the devices which are used to measure the physical quantities and techniques to use them. This process needs a deep understanding of physics especially electromagnetic theories.

Instrumentation deals with the designing of devices which is used to measure physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc.

For example, the thermocouple is used to measure the temperature difference between two points.

Computer software:

In electrical engineering students read the basics of the computer to design the instrument and circuits on different software. For example, multisim is software that is used to design and operate the electrical circuit which may helpful in physical practical work.

Computer software
Control system:

Every engineering needs a control system that is used to control the system and process which is undergoing.  In electrical engineering, digital signal processors, electronic circuits, microcontrollers, programmable logic controllers are used as control systems.

        “Control the system focuses on the modeling of dynamic systems and the design of the controller that causes the system to control and behave in the desired manner.”

Control system has a wide range of application in every field of life such robotics, flight system, propulsion system, automobiles.


  Mechatronics is the subject within electrical engineering that deals with the multi-disciplinary design issues of complex both electrical and mechanical systems.

For example automated manufacturing systems, air conditioning systems, ventilation, and various subsystem of aircraft and automobiles.

What are the skills for electrical engineering?

Engineering is all about how to deal with problems. Despite work which is the basic requirement of every field. Creating a product is a part of the equation. For successful engineer  person should have the following abilities:

Passionate about the field ( passion is energy)

Curios about things (curiosity creates big things)

Communication ( needed to work when working with the team, for creating a business, or for dealing with clients.

Confident enough  ( create a great impression on clients)

Leadership ( helps to lead a project)

Conflict management ( dealing with problems makes you a great engineer)

Hands-on understanding the things and solving the problems

Hardworking (practice makes a man perfect)

Strong networking ( helps to create a community which  will be helpful in need)

Strong collaboration ( electrical Engineers are often performing group tasks, which increases their confidence, ideas, and chances increase to find the right answer to the challenge.

Math skills ( solving problems require to commend on principles, calculus, and statistics.

Mange community ( how to deal with people and ideas)

Economic management ( help to make you economically strong)

What is the salary for an electrical engineer?

Salary depends upon your skills, how efficient you are in your skills? how many skills you have confidence, problem dealing abilities, etc. It also depends on which country is living. But Electrical Engineering is a much paying vast field, you can generate much revenue from this, you can be a leading person in our society by adopting this, it all depends on you.


Electrical engineering is a leading field with many opportunities to learn and generate a great income from it. If you have done or doing and want to do then you should be proud of yourself, you are on a great path, that will be helpful for you in the future in any terms.


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