Fluid Mechanics Engineering



Fluid mechanics engineering

                                                                      Fluid mechanics

Fluid mechanics is an active field of research. A lot of advancements are made in the field of fluid dynamics (study of fluid in motion) and creating new facilities, advancements toward the new, efficient, and cheap fuel which helps to increase the efficiency of the machines.


What is fluid mechanics?

Fluid mechanics: The branch of physics deals with the mechanics of fluid (liquids, gases, and plasmas) at both the stationary (at rest) and dynamics (in motion) state and the effect of force on them.

Fluid mechanics introduction:

Fluid mechanics has a vast application in every field such as mechanical, civil, oceanography, meteorology, astrophysics, biology, geography, etc.

Before going deep into concepts on fluid mechanics in its branches we need to know some important terms and their branches and their history.

It is divided into fluid two main branches

Fluid statics: The study of fluids at rest is called fluid statics.

Fluid dynamics: The study of the effects of forces on fluid motion is called fluid dynamics.

Computational fluid dynamics (CED): it is a modern field that deals with an experimental method for visualizing and analyzing fluid flow, and how to take advantage of the visual nature of the fluid flow.


The study of fluid mechanics is started when Archimedes investigated fluid statics and latterly buoyancy formulated his famous law known as the Archimedes’ principle which is based on floating bodies. Few scientists made advancements in the field of fluid mechanics are:


Advancements/ works

Leonardo da Vinci

Observation and experiments on fluid mechanics

Evangelista Torricelli

Invented the barometer

Issacs newton

Investigated viscosity

Blaise pascal

Researched hydrostatics, formulated pascal law

Daniel Bernoulli

Mathematics fluid dynamics in hydrodynamic

Jean le round’, joseph Louis, prerecession Laplace, Denis’s poison

Inviscid flow

Leonard Marie Inviscid flow Hagen

Viscous flow

Osborne Reynold, Kolmogorov, Geoffrey Ingram Taylor

Advanced of the fluid Taylor


What is fluid?

A fluid is a substance that continually deforms under the application of shear stress.

What is stress? What are its types of uses in fluid mechanics?

Stress: A stress is defined as a force per unit area, the force acting on the surface of an element. Stress has both magnitude (force per unit area) and direction (the direction is relative to the surface on which the stress acts.

There are mainly two types of stress used in fluid dynamics:

Normal stresses: A stress which acts inward (toward the surface) and perpendicular to the surface of the element. For example, pressure

Shear stress: It is also called tangential stress. It acts along the surface of the element (parallel to the surface) for example friction due to fluid viscosity.

For visualization of fluid: A body diagram can be used to visualize the effect of forces such as to visualize both shear and normal stress acting on the body.

Free body diagram:

A free-body diagram is a vector diagram that is used to represent the magnitude and direction of all the forces acting on the body.

Fluid mechanics is a subdiscipline of continuum mechanics

Continuum mechanics:

 The study of the physics of continuous material. It is subdivided into two branches

·         Solid mechanics

·         Fluid mechanics

Solid mechanics: The study of the physics of continuous materials with a defined rest shape. It is further divided into two fields

·         Elasticity

·         plasticity

Elasticity: it describes the materials which are return to their rest shape after applied stresses are removed.

Plasticity: it describes the materials which are deformed after sufficient applied stress.

Fluid mechanics:  The study of the physics of continuous materials which deform when subjected to a force. It is further divided into two fields

·         Non-Newtonian fluids

·         Newtonian fluids

Non- Newtonian fluids: The fluids which do not undergo strain rate proportional to the applied shear stress.

Newtonian fluids: The fluids which undergo strain rates proportional to the applied shear stress.

Rheology: The study of materials with both solid and fluid characteristics.

What is the difference between Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids?

Newtonian fluids: the fluids whose viscosity does not change, no matter how much pressure is applied are called Newtonian fluids. These fluids are continuous to flow and don’t compress. In the language of material sciences, it could be said that a fluid whose shear stress is linearly proportional to the velocity gradient in the direction perpendicular to the plane of shear.

For example, water is Newtonian fluid because it continues to display fluid properties no matter how much it is stirred. Water does not change its viscosity no matter how much pressure is applied to them. Other examples of Newtonian Fluids are oil, alcohol, and gasoline. The drag of the object through the Newtonian fluids is proportional to the applied force.

Fluid mechanics formulas:

The equation for Newtonian fluid:

 To describe the incompressible Newtonian fluid the simple equation is

           T= -muon dv/die


T= the shear stress exerted by the fluid

U=is the fluid viscosity, a constant of proportionality

Viscosity: the constant of proportionality between the viscous stress tensor and velocity gradient is known as viscosity. For a Newtonian fluid, viscosity depends upon the pressure, temperature not on the forces acting on it.

du/die =the velocity gradient perpendicular to the direction of shear.

For incompressible fluids:

If the fluid is incompressible the equation for viscous stress is



Tij= is the shear stress on the itch face of the fluid element in the jet direction

Vi= is the velocity in the itch direction

Xu= is the jet direction coordinate

For compressible fluids:

If the fluid is not compressible Newtonian fluid the general equation for the viscous stress is

                              K   =          c p / c v


K= is the second viscosity constant or bulk constant

If the fluid is not following these relations then it is called a Non- Newtonian fluid

Non-Newtonian fluids: The fluids whose viscosity changes, when force is applied to them are called Non-Newtonian fluids. Stirring a non-Newtonian fluid can leave a hole behind, this will gradually fill up over time. Stirring a non-Newtonian fluid causes the viscosity to decrease, so the fluid appears thinner (this could be seen in non-drip paints). In the language of material sciences, it could be said that the strain rate does not proportional to the shear stress applied.

For example: pseudoplastic, dilatant, thixotropic, viscoelastic, better, cream, plastic, etc. are examples of Non- Newtonian fluid.

 Branches of Non-Newtonian fluid: Non- Newtonian fluid is further divided into four branches.

·         Dilatants

·         Pseudoplastic

·         Rheopectic

·         Thixotropic

Dilatant fluid: The fluids whose viscosity become increases when force is applied is called Dilatant fluids. For example, Colbeck (which is a mixture of water and cornstarch), silly putty, etc.

Pseudoplastic fluid: The fluids whose viscosity decreases when the force is applied is called pseudoplastic. For example, blood, milk, wet send, etc.

Rheopectic fluid: the fluids which get thicker when the pressure is applied to them are called Rheopectic fluid. For example, cream, cream becomes thicker butter with time and pressure.

Thixotropic fluids:  The fluids which get thinner when the pressure is applied to them are called Thixotropic fluids. For example, cosmetics asphalt, etc.

 Branches of fluid mechanics:

There are two branches of fluid mechanics:

·          Fluid Statics

·          Fluid Dynamics

 Fluid Statics: It is a branch of fluid mechanics that studies fluids at rest, which is due to a stable equilibrium.


Consider a fluid element that is at rest (or moving at constant speed in a straight line). A fluid at rest has only normal stresses since at rest cannot resist shear stress. In this case, a condition of hydrostatic is satisfied that, the sum of all the forces must balance the weight of the fluid element. Pressure always acts inward, the pressure at the bottom side is slightly larger than at the top to balance the total pressure and weight of the system.

The same as the pressure on the right side is equal to the pressure on the left side. The pressure on the front side is equal to the pressure on the backside.


Hydrostatics gives physical explanations for many phenomena of everyday life such as

why oil float on water?

When oil is added to the surface of the water, the oil floats to the surface of the water because oil is less dense than water and therefore it floats to the surface.

Why does atmospheric pressure change with altitude?

Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude because of two reasons. Gravity and density. The gravity pulls the molecules or air so, the pressure increases as the molecule close to the surface as possible.


Hydrostatics is fundamental to hydraulics, which is the engineering of equipment for storing, transporting, and using fluids. Hydrostatics has also the application in many fields like geophysics, astrophysics, meteorology, medicine, and many other fields.

Fluid dynamics:

Fluid dynamics deals with the fluid flow, the science of liquid and gases in motion. The properties of fluid such as velocity, pressure, temperature, density are necessary for the calculation of the hydrodynamic problems.


Consider a fluid element that is moving around in some flow field. The fluid is in motion, it has both the normal and shear stresses. It satisfies the newton second law.

 The vector sum of all forces acting on the fluid element must be equal to the mass of the element times it is acceleration.


The net moment about the center of the body is obtained by adding the forces sue to each shear stress tomes its moment sum.

Fluid mechanics applications:

Fluid dynamics has vast applications such as determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting evolving weather patterns, understanding nebulae in interstellar space and modeling explosions, calculating forces and movements on aircraft, and also being used in traffic and crowd dynamics.

What is the difference between inviscid and viscous fluids?

Inviscid fluid: A fluid where is viscosity is not important and there is no shear force between the adjusted layers of the fluid is called inviscid fluid. It is considered an ideal fluid. It is determined through the Reynolds number. If Re is greater than 1 the flow may be considered inviscid fluid. If there are any boundaries in the flow, near any of those boundaries a viscous boundary, which is considered as viscous flow. So, in reality, the inviscid flow does not exist.

Viscous fluid: the fluid where viscosity is important and there is shear stress between the adjusted layers of the fluid is called a viscous fluid. It is easily determined by Reynolds number. If the Re is smaller than 1 then the flow is considered to be the viscous fluid. For example, the gases and liquid flow may be considered as the viscous flow.

Navier stokes equations:  

The Navier stokes equations are differential equations that describe the force balance at a given point within a fluid.

For an incompressible fluid with vector velocity u, the Navier-stokes equations are


P= momentum or force

                                                                P= pressure

                                                                V= kinematic velocity

The momentum or force is due to the response of pressure and viscosity, parameterized by the kinematic velocity. These differential equations are analogs for deformable materials to Newton’s equation of motion of particles.

In practice, only the simplest cases can be solved in this way. These cases generally involve non-turbulent, steady flow in which the Reynolds number is small.

For complex cases, in those involving turbulence, such as hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, global weather system, and many others, the solution of the Navier-stokes equations can currently only be found with the help of computers.

Solutions of the Navier-stokes equations for a given physical problem are sought out with the help of calculus.


There is the assumption that every mechanical system obeys

·         Conservation of mass

·         Conservation of energy

·         Conservation of momentum

·         The continuum assumption

The continuum assumption is an idealization of continuum mechanics under which fluids can be treated as continuous. Under the continuum assumption, macroscopic (measurable) properties such as density, volume, pressure, temperature, bulk velocity are taken into account.


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